Photo of Mónica Renedo Argentina

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From my childhood living in Adrogué, province of Buenos Aires. From very young I always drew everything related to visual art. Was the need for research where to find forms, rhythms, compositions take me to flow along a path of sensations, feelings, colors, and mergers.

This search was to begin exploring works of great masters of painting and attend various art workshops in Argentina, Chile...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2011, Galería Permanente, Verarte
  • 2011, Galería Permanente, Verarte

Awards received

  • 2013, lazos que unen , primer premio en Pueblo de Artesanos , Chile
  • 2012, la piel de los Recuerdos
  • 2012, Ilusión de un Inicio,

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19.69 x 27.56 in
23.62 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 35.43 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
47.24 x 35.43 in
59.06 x 27.56 in
0.35 x 0.39 in
27.56 x 31.50 in
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Photo of Mónica Renedo Argentina

From my childhood living in Adrogué, province of Buenos Aires. From very young I always drew everything related to visual art. Was the need for research where to find forms, rhythms, compositions take me to flow along a path of sensations, feelings, colors, and mergers.

This search was to begin exploring works of great masters of painting and attend various art workshops in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. On this tour I had the chance to meet great teachers who accompanied and accompany me on a path of feeling and emotions which combine to making further progress every day.

1995-1998 Buenos Aires - Argentina. Workshop Tempone Argentine artist Gerardo. Drawing, painting, textile art and sculpture.

1999-2004 Buenos Aires - Argentina. Workshop Argentine artist and professor Hugo Balmaceda. Drawing, painting and composition of works.

2005-2006 Santiago - Chile. Workshop Liliana Arancedo painter in Las Condes. Painting, human figure and live models.

2006-2007 Santiago - Chile. I continue my studies in figurative painting left to enter the field of abstraction in the artist's workshop where the Chilean Manuel Peris Valdebenito incorporate different techniques and textures.

2007 Montevideo - Uruguay. Analysis of the teacher work with Felipe Vidal.

2008-2009 Buenos Aires - Argentina. At present concur the research workshop of painters plastic Heriberto Zorrilla and Helen Distefano, founders of the current pictorial "Essentialism", founded in 1984.

Activity in plastic art

1998 Group show "The blue courtyard gallery" Argentina

1999 Group Exhibition small format "Gallery of the sun" Argentina

2000 Collective exhibition "Adrogué Shopping" Argentina

2001 small and large format displays Corner Art Gallery "Argentina

2002 Collective exhibition "Gallery of the Sun" Argentina

The Dominicans Chile Pueblito 2003

2003 Exhibition "The Dawn" - Las Condes Chile

Gaudy Gallery 2003 - Las Condes Chile

2003 Spring Meeting of spots - Isla Negra Chile

Gallery 22 large-format 2003 - Vitacura Chile

2004 Collective exhibition large format - Chile Artisan Village

2004 Group Exhibition - La Dehesa Chile

2004 Meeting of spots (the music and color) - Viña del Mar - Chile

2005 Art Show "a place in life" - Pomaire Chile

Village Artisans 2005 Manquehue large format - Las Condes Chile

2006 Library Nicolás Avellaneda - Argentina Adrogué

2006 Alte Medical Association. Brown - Adrogué Argentina

Village Artisans 2006 Manquehue large format - Las Condes Chile

Gaudy Gallery Group Exhibition 2006 - Las Condes Chile

2007 Art Show "from the earth itself" - Pomaire Chile

2006/2007 VisualArt Gallery (permanent collection) - Las Condes Chile

2007/2008 ArteComp Gallery (permanent collection) - Las Condes Chile

2007 Fall Meeting of spots (large format) - Montevideo - Uruguay

Spring 2008 Meeting on "The Night Gallery Recova Posadas" - Argentina

2008 Exhibition of artistic research - Faculty of Law - Argentina

Some of my works are in private collections in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico and Spain.

At present concur the research workshop of painters plastic and Helen Distefano Heriberto Zorrilla, founders of the current pictorial "Essentialism", founded in 1984.

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